Wednesday, October 21

July demo - stitching cards

Pam rang a great demonstration on stitched cards and lots of people had a go. Here is an example done by Cathryn. It is had to believe that she had not tried this technique before she went to the demonstration.

Monday, June 1

June demo - Quilling

These are the cards you can make at the June demonstration. Kits, which are available for purchase, will include all the materials you need except for glue. I do not have written instructions at this stage for doing this 'off sight', as that would add cost and lots more of my time. I will see how demand goes for that one first.

Sunday, May 24

May demonstration - patchwork on card

The photo does not do justice to the results. The cards made from this technique were really eye catching. The master stroke being you use small scraps of paper to create this look. Many cards were finished off with peel craft boarder.

Thank you Val for inspiring us.